Monday, August 18, 2014

Looking Back-- A year later!

A year after our trip to Ganta, Liberia, it is important to look back and reflect on the experience and progress. We are also keeping our friends and colleges in our thoughts as Liberia works through the recent Ebola outbreak.

We are in contact with our coordinator as well as several of our trainees and we have a few more pictures to share! Feedback has been consistently positive and there is enthusiasm for another training in the near future. We were trying to work with Peace Corps volunteers in the area but unfortunately they were evacuated a few weeks back. Hopefully they will be back in their sites soon when their safety can be assured, and we even talked about making the program available to them to use as secondary projects if they were interested!

With permission, we are sharing the thoughts and photos of one of our wonderful trainees, Mekie. She has this to say about the program's impact.

"That training was so meaningful and on time for both the patients and health workers. And since that workshop, patient's care has been so peaceful and done with more passion than ever."

A big Thank You to everyone who continues to work towards a positive, empowering, and healthy childbirth experience in Liberia and around the world.

“There is a secret in our culture, and it’s not that birth is painful. It’s that women are strong.”  -Laura Stavoe Harm