Friday, June 28, 2013

Second Community Dialogue

Today we finished our very last day of programming with the second community dialogue.  Twenty additional TTMs joined our class for the afternoon.  The discussion was similar in content to last week, and one TTM expressed her desire to "open a new book" of relations between the health workers and the TTMs.  This weekend the final report and preparations will be completed as we look forward to the July training.  Our time in Ganta has flown by, and we are sad to leave so many new friends.  The acting administrator from Ganta United Methodist Hospital, Patrick, came to close out the ceremony with some wise words.  He quoted Theodore Roosevelt, saying that compassionate care can be summed up as, "Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care."  He also reiterated the hospital's commitment to continuing this program, something we are very excited about seeing though.  Thanks to everyone who worked hard to make the past few weeks a reality and all the support of our family and friends back home. See you all soon!

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