Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Settling in.

Greetings again from Ganta!  We've been working hard on our preparations each day, sorting out all kinds of logistics from food for the training to making sure the lights stay on!  This morning, we were able to join the Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI) team as they trained general Community Health Volunteers (gCHVs), in how to assess their target population, children under five, for signs of malaria.  The gCHVs are all from rural communities and are selected for their character and good reputation.  They come to Ganta every few months for a workshop and in turn share this information with their villages.  It was a lively and interactive training that gave us a good idea of what to expect next week.

Tomorrow, our plans include going out on community visits with the Maternal Newborn Health staff, and we hope to have time on site to do a few interviews that we can add to our field data.

General comments- It’s hot and the food is good!

More updates soon!

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