Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Week 2

The second week of the training of trainers portion of our programming is underway!  We have a new group of health professionals and together we are putting the finishing touches on the materials that will be left for more training. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, and pre and post test evaluations show that the material was well understood.

As one participant, a certified midwife, told us last Friday: "I feel this has woken something inside me, I want to practice what I have learned to help all laboring women."

We couldn't be happier with the results.  We will be leaving to Monrovia this weekend, and there we will be printing revised trainee manuals for future use in Ganta.  We are looking at organizing a training during July that the wonderful Curamerica's interns, Anni and Liz, would be able to evaluate.  This has been an exciting and informative experience and we can't wait to see what this week has to offer!

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